8.30 - 11.00pm
£6 on the door
"Simon Spillett is the kind of big toned wailing tenor player
that I like. The influences of Tubby Hayes and Johnny Griffin are
clearly discernible in his sound, harmonic thinking and in his direct
no-nonsense determination in getting things swinging. This refreshing
attitude is also in evidence in his composing. He has written a whole
raft of catchy hard bop tunes which are great launching pads for the
soloist and that never fall into the trap of complexity for complexity's
sake. A great player" - Alan Barnes. "Those of us who have heard
him...have been left blinking in disbelief. It's not just his mastery of
the tenor saxophone, phenomenal though that is, but the absolute
conviction of his playing that is so impressive" - Dave Gelly, Sunday
Observer. "The world's leading Tubbiologist" - Jack Massarik, Jazzwise.